Filmen handlar om den 22-årige killen Love. Ikväll har han bestämt sig. Han skall våga bejaka sin tidigare förträngda homosexualitet och bege sig till en gayklubb i Göteborg. När han väl kommer dit sviker modet och han vankar istället hemåt i den ljuva sommarnatten. På vägen möter han den några år äldre Sebastian och Loves nyfikenhet gör att han tar steget och följer med Sebastian hem. Men det som börjar som en öm och kärleksfull lek övergår snart i ett våldsamt allvar.
The film is about a 22-year-old guy named Love. On a sweet summer night he decides to come out of his shell when he gets bored of his straight friends' company whilst in a dancing club. He dares himself to go to a gay bar in Göteborg but a stone-throw away his courage instantly fades. Feeling betrayed he heads home instead and meets a slightly older guy named Sebastian by chance. Love's curiosity of Sebastian causes him to take the plunge and joins him to his place. But what begins as a tender and loving game soon turns into a serious violence...
The film is about a 22-year-old guy named Love. On a sweet summer night he decides to come out of his shell when he gets bored of his straight friends' company whilst in a dancing club. He dares himself to go to a gay bar in Göteborg but a stone-throw away his courage instantly fades. Feeling betrayed he heads home instead and meets a slightly older guy named Sebastian by chance. Love's curiosity of Sebastian causes him to take the plunge and joins him to his place. But what begins as a tender and loving game soon turns into a serious violence...
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