A escolha (2010) My Choice Fairies (2003) Queer Today, Gone Tommorrow (2007) 5 Telephone Conversations (2006) A Wonderful Day (2003) The Dadshuttle (1996) Presents (2003) Fireworks (1947) Burls (2002) 50 Ways* to Leave Your Lover (2008)

01 January 2012

Beija-me se for capaz (2007) Kiss Me If You Can

Tudo começa com um beijo. O beijo é a força motriz do universo. É o beijo que faz as estrelas viajarem... os planetas rodarem... a existência se justificar...

All starts with a kiss. The kiss is the driving force of the universe. It is the kiss that makes the stars travel... the planets revolve... a justified existence...

I thought the two friends would end up being together because they share the same weirdness... LOL!

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