En un mundo orwelliano, jóvenes homosexuales son encarcelados en campos de reeducación brutal. Los que se oponen o tratan de escapar son asesinados. Cuando dos chicos son detenidos y llevados allí, tienen dos opciones: sobrevivir o seguir amándose sin pensar en consecuencias.
In an Orwellian world, gay youth are incarcerated in brutal re-education camps. Those who oppose or try to escape are killed. When two boys are arrested and brought there, they have two options: to survive or continue loving without thinking of consequences.
In an Orwellian world, gay youth are incarcerated in brutal re-education camps. Those who oppose or try to escape are killed. When two boys are arrested and brought there, they have two options: to survive or continue loving without thinking of consequences.
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