A escolha (2010) My Choice Fairies (2003) Queer Today, Gone Tommorrow (2007) 5 Telephone Conversations (2006) A Wonderful Day (2003) The Dadshuttle (1996) Presents (2003) Fireworks (1947) Burls (2002) 50 Ways* to Leave Your Lover (2008)

02 January 2012

Omar (2009)

C'est l'histoire d'Omar, un jeune homosexuel qui vit dans une cite. Une cite qui'il aime et qui l'aime mais ou la pression est telle qu'il ne peut vivre, ni meme reveler son homosexualite. Pas meme a son meilleur ami Morad. Jusqu'au jour ou son histoire d'amour cahee avec Arthur est decouverte. Une decision s'impose alors: renoncer a son amour ou quitter la cite pour d'autres horizons.

The story of Omar, a young gay man who lives in a neighbourhood he loves and neighbours that love him. But he is under pressure because he has fallen in love and he cannot even talk about it as he will end up revealing that he is homosexual — not even to his best friend Morad. One day his love affair with Arthur was discovered and he has to make a decision: Give up his love or leave his neighbourhood for a new place that would accept his preferences.

A well-acted and brilliant short piece... and a brave decision for Omar to be respected!

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