A escolha (2010) My Choice Fairies (2003) Queer Today, Gone Tommorrow (2007) 5 Telephone Conversations (2006) A Wonderful Day (2003) The Dadshuttle (1996) Presents (2003) Fireworks (1947) Burls (2002) 50 Ways* to Leave Your Lover (2008)

09 January 2012

Colours (2003)

Un cortometraje sobre el sida, seleccionado para los Oscar 2004, en el que se cuenta cómo cambia la vida de un joven que acaba de enterarse que tiene la enfermedad.

A short film on AIDS, selected for the Oscars 2004, which tells how to change the life of a young man who just learned he has the disease.

A positive film that can give AIDS victims more hope!

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