L'action se situe dans une prison française, où un gardien de prison voyeuriste prend plaisir à observer par le judas les prisonniers qui pratiquent la masturbation. Dans deux cellules adjacentes, il ya un homme algérien et un beau jeune détenu dans la vingtaine. L'homme plus âgé est amoureux de son jeune voisin de cellule, excité il caresse le mur de séparation, se frotte avec son sexe en érection. Avec une paille il arrive à communiquer en partageant la fumée de sa cigarette avec son bien-aimé au travers d'un petit trou percé dans le mur. Le gardien de prison, apparemment jaloux de leur relation érotique, entre dans la cellule de l'algérien, le frappe avec sa ceinture et l'oblige à sucer le canon de son pistolet d'une façon des plus érotico sensuelle qui soit. A ce moment, l'esprit du prisonnier s'envole, il s'imagine alors dans un univers fantastique où lui et son objet de désir errent dans la nature. Dans la scène finale, il devient évident que le pouvoir du gardien ne fait pas le poids face à l'intense.
The plot is set in a French prison, where a prison guard takes voyeuristic pleasure in observing the prisoners perform masturbatory sexual acts. In two adjacent cells, there is an older Algerian-looking man and a handsome convict in his twenties. The older man is in love with the younger one, rubbing himself against the wall and sharing his cigarette smoke with his beloved through a straw. The prison guard, apparently jealous of the prisoner's relationship, enters the older convict's cell, beats him, and makes him suck on his gun in an unmistakably sexual fashion. However, the inmate drifts off into a fantasy where he and his object of desire roam the countryside. In the final scene, it becomes clear that the guard's power is no match for the intensity of attraction between the prisoners, even though their relationship is not consummated.
The plot is set in a French prison, where a prison guard takes voyeuristic pleasure in observing the prisoners perform masturbatory sexual acts. In two adjacent cells, there is an older Algerian-looking man and a handsome convict in his twenties. The older man is in love with the younger one, rubbing himself against the wall and sharing his cigarette smoke with his beloved through a straw. The prison guard, apparently jealous of the prisoner's relationship, enters the older convict's cell, beats him, and makes him suck on his gun in an unmistakably sexual fashion. However, the inmate drifts off into a fantasy where he and his object of desire roam the countryside. In the final scene, it becomes clear that the guard's power is no match for the intensity of attraction between the prisoners, even though their relationship is not consummated.
Le film à été réalisé à l'origine sans le son, il est recommandé de couper le son pour pleinement apprécier l'oeuvre de Jean Genet dans sa version originale.
The film was originally made without sound, it is recommended that it is turned off to fully appreciate the work of Jean Genet in its original version.
The film was originally made without sound, it is recommended that it is turned off to fully appreciate the work of Jean Genet in its original version.
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